导言 为准备与一家富盛名于多年前即开始学习丰田生产方式公司的交流,我思考要如何进行?看过其现场之后,还是老方法,从与对方一起学习「绘制物与情报流图」开始!这也是原田总经理教我的方法:「先别去管人,先…
查看详情作者:蓝天 全文字数:1264 阅读时间:4分钟 什么是日常管理体系? 日常管理体系在蔡司光学的体现之一是mdi,mdi(managing for daily improvement), 是被设计用来创建和保持自律和持续的关注、紧迫感和责任心的精…
查看详情feature – lean healthcare is new to china. the authors share some examples of improvements projects taking place in chinese hospitals, which they hope will inspire more organizations to take lean…
查看详情作者:趙克强 博士 全文字数:1018 阅读时间:4分钟 今天是第二季度的开始,lec 将为大家带来一个新系列的专栏和活动。紧接着上个季度“供应链管理”的主题,我们很荣幸地邀请全球顶尖的镜片制造企业——蔡司光学,为…
查看详情编者按 “现金流”决定企业存亡,如何缩短现金循环周两期,提高资金使用效率的“现金流管理”就变成企业管理的第一杀手。 我们很高兴在接下来的两周里,邀请新乡新航集团的精益团队来分享“现金流管理”案例。他们从财务…
查看详情feature – employee happiness leads to greater efficiency and higher quality, which is why it’s increasingly being adopted as an indicator by firms. but how does lean relate to happiness? words:…
查看详情作者:李兆华 全文字数:1557 阅读时间:5分钟 一早,张炯煜兄从群组里传来了一篇报导–商业领袖可以从汤姆·布雷迪和塞雷娜·威廉姆斯中学到什么(what business leaders can learn from tom brady and seren…
查看详情case study – this hospital in argentina has leveraged the power of lean thinking to greatly enhance patient care, even in the pandemic, and receive internationally renowned accreditations. word…