
鸡年吉祥!新春伊始, lec同仁托大家的福,从去年就开始为大家筹备2017峰会的精彩节目。



企业实施精益转型的目的是改变当前的运营方式与九游会登录j9入口的文化,提升竞争力,以期企业升级。我们很荣幸地邀请到美国精益企业研究院(lei)运营总监,mark reich先生来分享“可持续的企业全方位精益转型”。更难得的是我们请到海尔全球cto kelvin nolan先生来分享他们两人在美国合作,主导美国通用家电集团ge appliance企业升级的故事。这是一个印证“精益转型框架”可行性的好案例。

产品是一个企业的命脉。如何能快速、轻松地开发出满足顾客需求的硬件以及软件产品,并把开发过程中挖掘出来的知识与经验积累起来,正是精益产品开发(lpd)追求的愿景。我们很高兴地邀请到前nec美国副总裁,《产品开发的本质思考》作者,稻垣公夫先生主讲“lpd在日本企业的应用”。海尔cto nolan先生将分享海尔在四个不同国家的研发基地推展“产品开发全球化”的机会与挑战。




jtbd – 以客户为中心的产品规划新工具(中英文)

hoshin kanri – 企业战略部署与组织协同 (英文)





we wish you a healthy and prosperous year of rooster!

lec team started to design 2017 lean summit program since last july. i am pleased to inform you that the 12th global lean summit will be held on jun3 7-9, 2017 at shanghai fudan crown plaza hotel.

this year’s conference theme is “lean transformation – lean turnaround and product development.

transformation means change; changing existing company operations and culture to turnaround in order to improve competitiveness and make profit. we are honored to invite mr. mark reich, coo of lean enterprise institute (lei) to speak on “sustaining lean transformation across enterprise”. in pairing with the presentation, we invute mr. kevin nolan, cto haier, to share with us the lean transformation case that he and mark worked together at ge appliance in kentucky, us prior to its acquisition by haier. the great story was presented at lean summit in usa, now you can hear it from the same cast in china!

product is a enter piece of any company. how to develop new products meeting customer needs in a speedy way within a budget and how to keep the knowledge being developed in house for future usage are what lean product development (lpd) wants to accomplish. we are pleased to present mr. kimio inagaki, the author of “the essential thinking for product development” to speak on lpd concept and its applications in japan. following that, mr. nolan will share with us his current task at haier “globalizing product development”.

the other distinguished speakers include mr. william yu, vp and general manager of honeywell special material & technology; mr. g.y. wu, former chief engineer at toyota taiwan; and dr. lucy liu, senior manager, capability building & tps office at toyota australia. we are very fortunate to have these two experts to reveal two important toyota systems that very few people understand: “toyota chief engineer system” and “toyota capability building system”. we are very proud to have them sharing their first hand experience with us.

many business leaders from china aerospace, bosch china, wahl clipper, ricoh, emag and rongfu will speak on individual company’s lean applications in high mix lean manufacturing, supplier chain management, chinese traditional culture with lean management, and lean innovation respectively we appreciate their unselfishness in sharing knowledge and lessons learned with other lean practitioners.

as in the past, we will host two small group pre-summit workshops on wednesday. we are proud to present:

workshop 1
jtbd – a roadmap for customer-centered innovation” in english & chinese by mr. inagaki (35 seats)

we always think that we need to listen to the voice of customers in the process of product design and development. but actually customers often do not know what they want. so how to meet their demand? the workshop will combine lecture (30%) and exercises with group coaches (70%).

workshop 2
strategy deployment and alignment through hoshin” in english by mr. reich hoshin planning is a management system that aligns an organization’s functions and activities with its strategic objectives. (45 seats)

global lean summit is a”learning and sharing” platform lec prepares for chinese lean community every year. we hope you will grasp the opportunity to join us to learn these new frontier lean development and applications. i am sure that you will be enlightened by the stories and lessons learned at the conference.

looking forward to seeing you in june!

dr. marcus chao, president
lean enterprise china

